Welcome to Lion Stories...


Stories about Lions specifically for children of all ages.

First Lion Story

There once was a lion cub that was a prince. He wanted to be the king, but he was too young. One day, on a hunt with the pride, he got lost and was stuck wondering around the Savannah on his own.

One day a park ranger found him and took him to his house to raise him as his own.

The ranger's son played with the lion cub every day and curled up with him to sleep at night. One day the ranger's son let the lion cub go free.

Fearing the lion cub wouldn't survive on its own, the ranger's son followed the lion cub and together they wandered the Savannah laughing, playing and signing songs.

One day, the two pals came across the pride that the lion cub belonged to.

The king of the lions looked at his son and the ranger's son and was preparing to attack the human to protect his son.

The king's cousin jumped in front of the king and begged him to spare the human.

The range's son left and went home comforted that his best friend was safe and sound.

But there was a secret.

The lion cub and the ranger's son would meet on the Savannah once a month and run and sing from dusk to dawn.

The End